General compo rules:
- If a production has already been released it will be disqualified
- Productions containing content which is offensive, illegal or in violation of copyright laws will be disqualified
- A production will only be accepted in a compo if at least one of the authors is present at the party place. However, remote entries are allowed in the demo & intro compos, the oldskool graphics compo
- Remote entries: We will not mail compo prizes
- You can take part in any compo with several different entries. For example, your group can participate in the demo compo with 7 demos, or you can make 3 tracks for the music compo
- A preselection of the compo entries will be made if necessary
- If the production can not be shown with the compo machines the author has to bring a suitable, allowed-by-the-rules machine on which the production can be shown. Please contact us in advance, if this is the case. Also you MUST deliver a video capture of the production!
- The entry must be delivered in a ZIP archive, with descriptive filenames, so it’s 100% clear which file to show/play/run
- You can test your productions on the compo machine before the compo and we recommend that you do that
- Deliver Linux productions in two ways: dynamically and statically linked
- Simulaatio organizers have the right to publish the compo results, with your name/nick. All the compo entries will be published after the party.
- Disqualified entries and entries not shown in the compo will not be spread
- Resolution of the video projector will be 1920×1080 (FullHD, 1080p)
- Please do NOT change video modes during the entry! (video mode resync of the whole video processing chain might take many seconds, so better avoid them to make sure your content isn’t lost during resync)
Compo rules are subject to change if deemed necessary by the organizers.
Remote entries are welcome to all the compos!
- Submit your remote entry to compo[ae] Make sure you get a reply confirming your entry has been received by the simulaatio compo crew. If you don’t get a reply, please ping us again, just to make sure. Deadline for remote entries is Friday 25th of May at 21:00 Finnish time.
Questions, comments? Please contact us.
Compo-specific rules:
- Remote entries welcome!
Oldschool Intro
- Platform: All computers up to c.a. 1995, software rendering only!
- The maximum running lenght is 8 minutes
- The maximum size
- Remote entries welcome!
Newschool Demo
- The maximum running length is 8 minutes.
- No limitations, except compo machine specifications!
- Remote entries welcome!
Oldschool Demo
- The maximum running length is 8 minutes.
- Platform: All computers up to c.a. 1995, software rendering only!
- Remote entries welcome!
Artist names will not be displayed on the bigscreen! Submit your entry unsigned. You may include a signed version.
Newschool Graphics
- You can use any method to create your production as long as most of the work is done using a computer. but the pi
- 4 working stages of the picture must be supplied. You have to provide a screenshot showing the wireframe model of the picture if you enter the competition with a raytraced entry.
Oldschool Graphics (EGA)
- This time Oldschool Graphics compo is EGA themed!
- EGA infos for anyone without any googl-fu!
- Platform: DOS
- Maximum resolution is the same as the screenmode, no scrolling allowed
- True 16 colours, like god intended!
- Base spec is an EGA card with enough VRAM to allow up to 640×350 with 16 colors
- Bitmap entries will be displayed using CompuShow2000 in DOS
- Allowed bitmap modes:
- 640x350x16 (from 64)
- 640×200×16
- 640×350
- 320×200 fixed 16c
- And text:
- 40×25 with 8×8 pixel font
- 80×25 with 8×8 pixel font
- 80×25 with 8×14 pixel font
- 80×43 with 8×8 pixel font
- 4 working stages of the picture must be supplied. You have to provide a screenshot showing the wireframe model of the picture if you enter the competition with a raytraced entry
- Remote entries welcome!
Textmode Graphics
- Combined ANSI, ASCII and PETSCII competition.
- PC/Amiga entries will be shown with PabloDraw – Topaz for Amiga ASCII and CP437 8×16 for everything else.
- For PETSCII entries, please include a PNG image of the entry in company with the original runnable PRG.
- Maximum width for ANSI/ASCII is 80 characters and 40 characters for PETSCII
- Multipage entries allowed
- No animations or blinking colors
GIF Animation
- Submit your entry in in GIF format.
- Entries have to loop.
- Maximum time before loop is 10 seconds.
- Entries will be shown on bigscreen for 30 seconds.
- The resolution must be 640 pixels in width and 360 pixels in height.
- Maximum filesize is 2 MB.
- Submit your entry in high resolution PNG format
- Only slight brightness/contrast changes or cropping allowed
- No editing allowed
Artist names will not be displayed on the bigscreen!
Dance Music
- Music intended for the dancefloor. Jury makes the final decision and will move the track to Listening Music Competition if necessary
- Maximum length: 4 minutes. Longer entries will be faded out
Listening Music
- Music not intended for the dancefloor. Jury makes the final decision and will move the track to Dance Music Competition if necessary
- Maximum length: 4 minutes. Longer entries will be faded out
Tiny Music
- Size-limit 128KB
- Maximum length: 4 minutes. Longer entries will be faded out
- While competition, slide is shown on-screen
- Remote entries welcome!
Short Wild
- The maximum running length is 45 seconds
Platform specifications:
Primary compo PC:
- i7 4790K @ 4.0 GHz
- nVidia GTX 1070 8 GB vRAM (DX12, OpenGL 4.6, Vulkan 1.1 / 1.0)
- 16GB DDR3 1600MHz
- Windows 10 64-bit
- Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 64-bit
Secondary compo PC:
- i7 920 @ ~3Ghz
- nVidia GTX 1070 8GB vRAM (DX12, OpenGL 4.6, Vulkan 1.1 / 1.0)
- 16GB DDR3
- Windows 10 64-bit
- Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 64-bit