Welcome to Simulaatio 8

We are pleased to invite you all to Simulaatio 8. Website is now open and we are adding new content on weekly basis. Please check out the compos and get your creative engine booming. As we are such a hungry hippos for old skool art we are dedicating our oldskool graphics compo for EGA graphics so go make some awesome 16 color madness. Checkout http://simulaatio.org/s8/competitions/ for compos and related rules & limitations. Please feel free to drop us a line through contact us, #simulaatio @ ircnet or twitter.com/simulaatio if you have any questions. See you at the party!

Btw. Simulaatio8 ticket, bus ticket and hotel room sales was delayed and starts 9.4.2018 at 19:00 (Finnish/EEST time) – sori siitä, things happen

– Simulaatio.org